Bega-Littleton Citizens' Exchange


Bega-Littleton Citizens' Exchange

Below is a sample of past meeting minutes.

25 June 2003 AGM
25 June 2003
22 August 2002
25 July 2002
28 March 2002
23 August 2001
26 July 2001

Bega 25 June 2003 AGM

Meeting held Wednesday 25th June
At the Bega R.S.L. Club Meeting Room

Meeting opened by President Phil McDonald at 7:55pm.

PRESENT: Phil McDonald, Heather Leeder, Dom Brady, Audrey Windle, Bob Gowing, Edna and Ray Duncanson, Barry and Lois Stewart, Barb and Bob Westmacott, Paul and Carol Healey, Betty Koellner, Betty Rose, Valerie Eaton, Geoff Vaughan, Col Healey, Cameron Healey, Barbara Ubrihien.

APOLOGIES: Andrew and Trish Warby, Barry and Barbara Chambers, Ted and Joy Graves, Les and Carleen Maley, Peter Ubrihien, Paul and Emily Leeder, Paul Windle, Colleen and Allan Eaton, Lawrence and Sue Rose, Dawn Vaughan, Shirley Healey.

Minutes of previous AGM were read and moved as correct by Paul Healey and seconded by Barbara Westmacott.

Business Arising:

1. Annual Report given by President Phil McDonald (see attached). Moved by Phil McDonald and Seconded by Edna Duncanson.

2. Treasurer/Auditor Report: (see attached) Barbara Ubrihien moved and seconded by Bob Westmacott.

3. Annual Statement/Return for the Department of Fair Trading to be completed and signed by the President and Secretary and sent with a cheque for $39.00. Moved Edna Duncanson and Seconded Betty Koellner.

There being no General Business the meeting was handed over to Patron Dom Brady who moved that all positions were now vacant.

Nominations were as follows:

President: Phil McDonald nominated by Ray Duncanson, accepted by Phil and carried.

Vice President: Paul Healey nominated by Edna Duncanson, accepted by Paul and carried.
Vice President: Barry Stewart nominated by Edna Ducanson, accepted by Barry and carried.

Secretary: Barbara Westmacott nominated by Paul Healey, accepted by Barbara but later declined due to accepting the Treasurer position.
Heather Leeder was then nominated by Betty Koellner, accepted by Heather and carried.

Treasurer: Barbara Westmacott nominated by Edna Duncanson, accepted by Barbara and carried.

Publicity Officer: Trish Warby was nominated by Phil in her absence, Trish had previously expressed her acceptance if nominated. Carried.

Auditor: Kellow Parbery nominated by committee and carried.

Patrons: Dom Brady and the current Mayor (David Hede) were nominated by Phil McDonald. Carried.

The meeting was then closed by President Phil at 8:30pm

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Bega 25 June 2003

Held at the Bega R.S.L. Club Meeting Room
Wednesday June 25th 2003

Meeting opened by President Phil McDonald at 8:30pm

PRESENT: Phil McDonald, Heather Leeder, Dom Brady, Audrey Windle, Bob Gowing, Edna and Ray Duncanson, Barry and Lois Stewart, Barb and Bob Westmacott, Paul and Carol Healey, Betty Koellner, Betty Rose, Valerie Eaton, Geoff Vaughan, Col Healey, Cameron Healey, Barbara Ubrihien.

APOLOGIES: Andrew and Trish Warby, Barry and Barbara Chambers, Ted and Joy Graves, Les and Carleen Maley, Peter Ubrihien, Paul and Emily Leeder, Paul Windle, Colleen and Allan Eaton, Lawrence and Sue Rose, Dawn Vaughan, Shirley Healey.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.

Business arising from Minutes:

1. Thank you letter to be sent to Council re help with G.P.S. reading. Phil to help Heather to write letter.

Treasurer’s Report:

1. Signature changes to be done at bank for Barbara Westmacott.
2. See attached monthly statement.

Treasurer’s report moved by Barbara Ubrihien and seconded by Col Healey.

Correspondence: None in or out.

General Business:

1. Hats have arrived. T’shirts are getting emblem on. Booklets are getting covers on. Edna suggested we make donation labels for the Books for the Bemis Library, a label for each book. Cameron offered to make the labels for all the books.
2. Flag raising ceremony for 4th July at Bega Valley Shire Council to be held at 9:00am.
3. Hosting: Phil and David Necker are making suggestions.
4. Littleton Calendars for 2003 arrived and were handed out.
5. Letters of thanks to go to:
a) Robert Hayson c/- Fletchers - thank you for settingup the equipment for Camerons Power Point Presentation and for providing a discount for the cartridges for our booklet production. Moved by Col Healey and seconded Ray Duncason.
b) South Coast Printing for producing the covers for the Booklets. Moved by Bob Westmacott and seconded Carol Healey.
c) Marshall and Hazel Campbell (Mecklenberg Street Bega) for maintaining the Littleton gardens. Moved by Barba Ubrihien and seconded by Phil.
6. Carol Healy has volunteered to do Audrey’s job of looking after the Library Cabinet at Bega Valley Shire Council Library.
7. There is a song list for everyone going on trip and names are needed for the Agriculture Tour and the Golf Activity in Littleton.

Next Meeting: Thursday September 25th 7:45pm Bega R.S.L. Club Meeting Room.

Meeting closed: 8:55pm

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Bega 22 August 2002

Held at Bega RSL Club
Thursday 22nd August, 2002

Meeting opened by President Phil McDonald at 8:00pm.

Present: Phil McDonald, Edna & Ray Duncanson, Val Eaton, Colleen & Allan Elton, Laurie Rose, Betty Rose, Helen Swinbourne, Barbara Ubrihien, Trish Warby, Heather Leeder.

Apologies: Bob & Barb Westmacott, Betty Koellner, Sue Rose, Marie Swinbourne, Emily & Paul Leeder, Andrew Warby, Bernie & Denise Miller, Geoff & Dawn Vaughan, Barry & Barbara Chambers, Pam Wellham.

Minutes of previous meeting read and moved as correct by Trish Warby and seconded by Laurie Rose.

Business arising from Minutes:

1. Youth Ambassador: need Emily to give us her available dates.

2. X-mas party: Trish reported that she phoned around and after detailing the costs of the different venues it was decided to use the Merimbula Wharf and to have the traditional dinner at a cost of $26.50 each. Allan Elton moved and seconded Barb Ubriehen. Trish to book for 29th November.

3. Raffle Tickets: everyone should have received their books by now.

Treasurer's Report: See attached. Moved Barbara Ubrihien, seconded Edna Duncanson.

Correspondence In:

1. Dept of Fair Trading letter re public liability - discussion re travel insurance.

2. Dept of Gaming and Racing: Charities bulletin - Barb Ubrihien to read and report back.

3. Australian Sister Cities Assoc: National Conference in Bendigo.

Correspondence Out: Newsletter with raffle tickets.

Snippets: 1. Trish Warby - email form Brianne

General Business:

1. Newsletter item: Lost & Found - Cooler Bag Green in colour.

2. Video of Bega Littleton delegation visit: Colleen Elton has borrowed.

3. Plaque: discussion regarding the damage to plaque and what can be done. It was decided to leave it for now and monitor for any further damage.

4. Working Bee: need one after next meeting..

5. 2003 Trip: VanCouver looks like the best option for a stopover for 5 nights. Suggested to put in the next newsletter for people to think about optional tours whilst in VanCouver and to find out where people are going after Denver. Karen from Traveland is happy to see anyone for a one-on-one meeting. Karen needs to know individual plan for pricing discounts etc.

6. Heather to look through secretary's files for the information for the Youth Ambassador, forms, letters to schools etc.

There being no more business President Phil McDonald closed the meeting at 9:08pm.

Next Meeting: 26th September

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Bega 25 July 2002

Held at Bega RSL Club
Thursday 25th July, 2002

Meeting opened by President Phil McDonald at 8:00pm.

Present: Phil McDonald, Laurie Rose, Betty Rose, Helen Swinbourne, Geoff Vaughan, Peter and Barbara Ubrihien, Trish Warby, Alex Tarlinton, Heather Leeder.

Apologies: Andrew Warby, Dawn Vaughan, Sue Rose, Barry & Barbara Chambers Paul Leeder.

Minutes of previous meeting read and moved as correct by Barbara Ubrihien and seconded by Geoff Vaughan.

Business arising from Minutes:

1. Columbine Memorial Plaque: has been erected in the park.

2. Raffle/Dinner: to be discussed at length in General Business.

3. Patrons: Our constitution allows for three patrons. We currently have Dom Brady and the Lord Mayor (currently David Hede).

4. Progressive Dinner May 11th: profit was $439.00.

Treasurer's Report: See attached. Moved Barbara Ubrihien, seconded Betty Rose. Carried.

Correspondence In:

1. E-mail from David Necker re funeral service for Jan Johnson.

Correspondence Out: Nil.


1. Peter and Barbara Ubrihien - letter form Warren and Pat..
2. Helen Swinbourne - George Mares who is now married and news that Susan Humphries is currently in Moscow.
3. Rose's - Gene and Dorothy Lomme.
4. Warby's - Brianne.
5. Leeder's - Brianne.

General Business:

1. Subs: next newsletter will have a reminder to remind those not yet paid their annual subs that they are now due.

2. Youth Ambassador Committee: Phil McDonald, Edna Duncanson, Peter Ubrihien and Heather Leeder to form the initial committee. Moved Barbara Ubrihien and seconded by Laurie Rose. Carried.

3. Raffle/Dinner: Menu proposed by Margaret Taylor which Phil read out aloud. It will be a dinner for six and it is hoped to raise $1,000.00. Need to sell $1,500.00 of tickets at $2.00 each. Each member to received a book of 20 tickets with the next newsletter mail out. The menu to be included in the next newsletter. Need to record the ticket numbers given to each member. Tickets to be sold and returned to Phil at the Motel before the 15th October. Raffle to be drawn at the October meeting on the 24th.

4. Christmas Dinner: Suggested date is the last Friday evening in November (29th). Trish Warby to source venues such as Hi-Tide in Tathra, Bazels on the Beach in Pambula, The Grange, The Wharf, Oulies and Sinbad Cruises. Phil to look in to the possibility of a bus for transport.

5. Traveland meeting: to be on Monday 29th July. To discuss stop-over options - Japan, Honolulu and Van Couver as possibilities.

There being no more business President Phil McDonald closed the meeting at 9:15pm.

Next Meeting: 22nd August

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Bega 28 March 2002

Bega 28 March 2002

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Bega 23 August 2001

Held at Bega RSL Club
Thursday 23rd August, 2001

Meeting opened by President Phil McDonald at 8:00pm.

Present: Dom Brady, Barbara Ubrihien, Alex Tarlinton, Trish Warby,
Phil McDonald, Audrey & Paul Windle, Geoff Vaughan, Barbara & Barry Chambers, Betty Rose, Sue Rose, Paul & Carol Healey, David Jesson, Heather Leeder

Apologies: Pam Wellham, Emily, Jesse & Paul Leeder, Beryl Schaefer, Paul Healey, Ray James, Lawrence Rose, Edna & Ray Duncanson, Tony & Margie Fullerton, Andrew Warby, Dawn Vaughan, Allan & Colleen Elton, Les & Carleen Maley, Peter Ubrihien

A short special meeting to amend constitution to include Honorary Members was held prior to the regular monthly meeting as indicated at last meeting.

Phil McDonald moved that the following amendment be made to the constitution:

New clause of the Constitution: 6b) Honorary Members. Honorary Members may be appointed at the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting, supported by at least two thirds of those present and voting. Such Members will not pay an annual subscription but will have the right to vote.

Moved Paul Healey, Seconded Dom Brady

"That Rod Annabel & Bruce Annabel be made Honorary Members."

Moved Paul Windle, seconded Barry Chambers.

Minutes of previous meeting read and moved as correct by Carol Healey and seconded by Alex Tarlinton.

Business arising from Minutes:

  1. Columbine Memorial Plaque: Peter Ubrihien still investigating.
  2. Phil thanked all those present at the working bee and suggested we hold another in about six weeks time.
Treasurer's Report: See attached. Moved Barbara Ubrihien, seconded Geoff Vaughan.

Correspondence In: - Nil

Correspondence Out:

  1. Card to Geoff & Shirley Underhill
  2. Monthly Newsletter
General Business:

  1. There will not be any meetings in September and October.
  2. Christmas breakup - suggested held at Flicks Theatre Restaurant on last Friday evening in November. Trish to book and confirm date. Announce in Newsletter the date when finalised.
  3. Non financial members: names were given out to those present at meeting who are friends of same, to phone and enquire as to paying for membership.
  4. Suggested to personalise newsletter of non financials for eg. “do you know you are not financial?”
  5. Trivia Night discussed as follows:
    • There will probably only be eight tables
    • Alex and Beryl to combine for a prize for eight people
    • Eight tickets for Picture Showman donated by ?????? David Jesson????
    • Edna and Ray have donated small bars of chocolates for games between rounds
    • Trading Table - Heather to mark prices on goods (bring stickers and pen)
    • Supper - Phil to bring Tea/Coffee/Sugar, Trish to bring Milk, stiring sticks and paper plates, Geoff to bring cups from show grounds.
    • No Bar on the night
    • Four games between rounds to be organised by Trish, Carol, Barbara and Heather and Phil to be contacted with details of games before Sunday evening.
  6. Letter to Annabels to inform of Honorary Member status and to return cheque received for membership.
There being no more business President Phil McDonald closed the meeting at 9:10pm.

Next Meeting: in November, date to be advised.

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Bega 26 July 2001

Held at Bega RSL Club
Thursday 26th July, 2001

Meeting opened by President Phil McDonald at 8:00pm.

Present: Dom Brady, Peter & Barbara Ubrihien, Alex Tarlinton, Phil McDonald, Betty Rose, Betty Koellner, Carol Healey, Heather Leeder

Apologies: Pam Wellham, David & Susan Jesson, Emily, Jesse & Paul Leeder, Beryl Schaefer, Paul Healey, Ray James, Trish & Andrew Warby, Lawrence & Sue Rose, Edna & Ray Duncanson

The special meeting to amend constitution to include Honourary Members adjourned until next meeting as insufficient members present to form a quorum - ten members needed, only nine in attendance.

Minutes of previous meeting read and moved as correct by Betty Koellner and seconded Carol Healey.

Business arising from Minutes:

  1. Secretary to send card to Geoff and Shirley Underhill to wish them well in their new home.

  2. Trivia Night - Col McCrae will help with questions. Geoff Vaughan has booked the Co-op building for 1st September. Cost to be $10 per head and $7 for students. Prizes for each round to be grouped together on a table for each person to select own prize. Suggested eight rounds at least. Main prize to be the Flicks prize of dinner for the winning table. The following people agreed to provide the following prizes for a round:

    • Alex Tarlinton = 8 golf balls
    • Ubrihien's = Cheeses for 8 people
    • Phil McDonald = Scratchies for 8
    • Two Betty's = boxes chocolates for 8
    • Dom Brady = Nuts or other munchies 8
    • Healey's = to be decided
    • Leeder's = to be decided
    • Duncanson's = to be asked (by Phil?)

  3. Columbine Memorial Plaque - Phil reported the quote was around $600 and he decided it was too costly. Peter Ubrihien offered to talk to a tradesman for another quote.
Treasurer's Report: Moved Barbara Ubrihien, seconded Betty Rose.

Correspondence In:

  1. Ken Coddington's questionnaire from Littleton group.
  2. Ken Coddington's two videos (2001 delegation visit and promotion video from City of Littleton).
  3. Horizon Credit Union - investment interest letter.
  4. Thankyou Card from Suzanne & Ron Humphreys.
  5. Newsletter from Littleton on Web
Correspondence Out:

  1. Sympathy card to Alex Tarlinton on the passing of his mother.
  2. Newsletters to Members
General Business:

  1. Next newsletter - reminder to pay subs.
  2. Working Bee to be held on Sunday 5th August at 11:00am.
  3. Evaluation Sheets - It was noted that the Car Rally was the first most popular event, the Civic Dinner was second and the Farewell Dinner was third.
  4. Web Page - Paul Leeder asked if someone could write an item for the “About” page on the Web site - Phil agreed to write something as well as ask Edna for her suggestions.
  5. Poetry reading by Peter Ubrihien - poem from the spring edition of the “Exclusively Littleton Magazine” entitled “Slow Dance” page 16.
There being no more business President Phil McDonald closed the meeting at 9:05pm.

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